Welcome to the Iowa eTranscript Gateway

Register your high school now for the eTranscript pilot

Iowa high schools or colleges, please submit the following information if you would like to be included in testing the Iowa eTranscript Gateway.

Pilot Overview

Iowa high schools are encouraged to sign up now for Iowa eTranscript Gateway pilot testing. No cost, commitment, computer programming, or software installation is required. The Gateway system will do all the work. Below are the steps included in the pilot testing:

  1. The Iowa eTranscript Gateway team will reach out to your contact person and request that your high school generate transcripts for a sample group of your students (approximately 15) who represent various enrollment patterns.
  2. Iowa eTranscript Gateway will then produce eTranscripts for these same students.
  3. Teams from Iowa eTranscript Gateway and your school will work together to review and compare these transcripts for data accuracy.
  4. Data discrepancies will be reviewed and corrected as they are identified.
  5. After all data quality issues have been addressed, your high school may decide whether you wish to use the Iowa eTranscript Gateway to begin sending your students’ eTranscripts at no cost.